Old is New Again

As you can see, I have my stock headlights back on because . . .

the low beam in one of my fancy smancy JW speaker  headlights
burned out. It is a warranty fix so not a big deal, but doubt has
insinuated itself into my ECU. What if it goes out again while on
a big trip? There is no stopping at the next NAPA to get a bulb.

While we are talking about failure: when I got my new chain
and sprockets Jack noticed that the tiny spring, that is supposed 
to be inside one of my dust seals, was laying on the floor. He
ordered a new seal and put it in for me. Probably like most motorcycles, 
I often get to thinking I am some pretty big stuff, but we do 
need our caregivers.

Speaking of motorcycle caregivers, this BMW R90/6 has 512,000 miles
on it. When we asked the rider what he's had to do to it to keep it 
running, he said, "Everything. Hardly anyone keeps a bike this long
and nobody knows what to expect." That is a custom tank bag and the
bottom section is full of tools and parts.

This is Burke's Garden. It is Virginia's highest valley and is surrounded by those 
mountains in the background. They make a big circle so the valley is a big bowl with
one paved road in and out. There is supposed to be a dirt road in and out, but it's not
supposed to be Street Triple friendly so we didn't look for it.

If you are looking for a family in Burkes Garden, one of these signs will
get you there.

We stopped at this store and Jack had a grilled cheese sandwich made
by a couple of Amish sisters. They used local cheese and sourdough bread
that they baked. Jack said it was good. I'll stick with my diet of air and gas.

The sisters commute to work on these scooters. Jack looked them
over pretty thoughtfully. He used to build bicycles and these things 
interested him. "They ain't got no engines, Jack! Let's go."



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