Luke 14:31
When Jesus was talking to his disciples he came to the subject of cost. We're often reminded that salvation is free, and that's important, but there is a cost involved. I'm not talking about the cost that Jesus paid already; and in full. I'm talking about the cost to the disciple. It's not a bad cost. Not like spending $20,000 on a motorcycle when you can get a Street Triple for half that. It's more like having to give up cigarettes in order to breath the way you were designed to. At first, giving up cigarettes seems like a horrible idea, and very difficult, but as the years go by, many ex smokers come to realize that the cigarettes weren't that much fun to smoke in the first place. It just seemed like it because you forget how easy it was to breath before you began smoking. Jesus asked, "Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him...